
Metcalfe Forestry CO


The services that Metcalfe Forestry provides for the average client are:

-Map making; topographic, aerial photographic, vegetative types, soil types, trail maps, ect.

-Woods road location and layout

-Identifying and marking the trees to be cut

-All marking paint, orange ribbon, and other supplies

-Calculating the volume, grade, and value of marked trees

-Advertising your timber for sale

-Showing your timber sale to prospective buyers

-Selecting reputable logging contractors

-Identifying important timber sale contract requirements

-Drafting a legally binding timber sale contract

-Frequent inspections of your timber harvesting operation to ensure contract compliance

-Insuring your timber stumpage payments are received on time and in the proper amount

-Posting accounting reports for all timber sale transactions to ensure you receive the best tax advantage

- Obtain road access agreements and easements for gaining entry to your property across the lands of others

-All correspondence, phone calls and meetings

-Notifying you when your next timber harvest is possible

Other Services Available at your Request:
-Prepare timber depletion accounts for your property, which result in substantial tax savings. Timber Tax
-Prepare Federal Form T to report your capital gain/loss timber income, and substantiate your timber depletion allowance for the IRS.
-Inventories of your timberland
-Reforestation of your property
-Timber appraisals for land purchases, timber trespass cases, timber inventory, and legal disputes.
-Annual post harvest inspections to monitor the condition of your forest. This is important to watch for timber theft and trespass, monitor for insect/disease problems, identify and document storm damage.
-Expert witness testimony
-Design and implement wildlife, aesthetic, or recreational improvements which will increase your enjoyment and use of the forest. This can include items such as wildlife habitat improvements, scenic view cuttings, trail and bridge construction, and recreational site development.

-Timber inventory and analysis
-Timber casualty loss appraisals
 -Estate settlement appraisals
-Collateral valuation for bank loans

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Metcalfe Forestry CO
402 Chestnut Street
Grayling, MI 49738
Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved.
Visitors: 280,610